La pubblicità offre innumerevoli spunti.
Io ho sperimentato più volte canzoni tratte da pubblicità e vi assicuro che la presa sui bambini è davvero formidabile.
E' stato il caso di "Out Of Time Man" di Mick Harvey, di "All Togheter Now" dei Beatles e di altre note e orecchiabili melodie.
Oggi mi è capitato di sentire lo spot pubblicitario di una nota casa automobilistica e mi è piaciuto, così mi sono messa alla ricerca di testo e musica.
Ho trovato anche un bel video a cartoni animati.
Penso che sia materiale utilizzabile in diverse classi: lo trovo simpatico e penso avrà buona presa sui miei alunni.
P.S.:questa canzone in realtà fa parte della tradizione americana.
Ecco il video:
...le parole (ce ne sono più versioni, leggermente dissimili tra loro):
"The Cat Came Back
Old Mr. Johnson had problems of his own.
He had a yellow cat that just wouldn't leave him alone.
He tried and he tried to give the cat away.
He gave it to a little man going far away...
But the cat came back the very next day.
Yes, the cat came back. They thought he was gone,
But the cat came back. He just wouldn't stay away.
He gave it to a little boy with a dollar note.
He told the boy to take the cat up river on a boat.
The boat turned over and was never found,
And now they drag the river for the little boy who drowned...
But the cat came back the very next day.
Yes, the cat came back. They thought he was gone,
But the cat came back. He just wouldn't stay away.
The man around the corner said he'd shoot the cat on sight.
He loaded up his shotgun full of nails and dynamite.
He waited... and he waited... 'till the cat came walking round
And ninety-nine pieces of the man was all they found...
But the cat came back the very next day.
Yes, the cat came back. They thought he was gone,
But the cat came back. He just wouldn't stay away.
The H-bomb fell the very next day.
The A-bomb fell in the very same way.
Russia went! England went! And then the USA.
The entire human race was left without a chance to pray...
But the cat came back the very next day.
Yes, the cat came back. They thought he was gone,
But the cat came back. He just wouldn't stay away."
...e il sito dove è possibile trovare il download della canzone:
"The Cat Came Back
Old Mr. Johnson had problems of his own.
He had a yellow cat that just wouldn't leave him alone.
He tried and he tried to give the cat away.
He gave it to a little man going far away...
But the cat came back the very next day.
Yes, the cat came back. They thought he was gone,
But the cat came back. He just wouldn't stay away.
He gave it to a little boy with a dollar note.
He told the boy to take the cat up river on a boat.
The boat turned over and was never found,
And now they drag the river for the little boy who drowned...
But the cat came back the very next day.
Yes, the cat came back. They thought he was gone,
But the cat came back. He just wouldn't stay away.
The man around the corner said he'd shoot the cat on sight.
He loaded up his shotgun full of nails and dynamite.
He waited... and he waited... 'till the cat came walking round
And ninety-nine pieces of the man was all they found...
But the cat came back the very next day.
Yes, the cat came back. They thought he was gone,
But the cat came back. He just wouldn't stay away.
The H-bomb fell the very next day.
The A-bomb fell in the very same way.
Russia went! England went! And then the USA.
The entire human race was left without a chance to pray...
But the cat came back the very next day.
Yes, the cat came back. They thought he was gone,
But the cat came back. He just wouldn't stay away."
...e il sito dove è possibile trovare il download della canzone:
Marina, complimenti davvero! sono così felice di aver trovato questo blog(cercando proprio questa canzoncina da imparare e ricantare ai miei figli!)!
grazie, buon lavoro!
grazie, buon lavoro!
Di nulla: grazie a te!
Ricevere commenti da parte di chi legge mi aiuta a proseguire!
Marina, complimenti davvero! sono così felice di aver trovato questo blog(cercando proprio questa canzoncina da imparare e ricantare ai miei figli!)!
RispondiEliminagrazie, buon lavoro!
Cara Marina, trovo il tuo blog utile e funzionale ... perchè mi hai aiutato a trovare ciò che mi serviva per i miei alunni.